Brian Meisenburg
2 min readMar 10, 2021
applied fitness helps clients eat better to lose weight

Protein is the secret to a supercharged metabolism because protein FEEDS lean muscle.

Lean muscle is responsible for a strong sexy posture and lean muscle burns 3 times as many calories at rest as fat does.

This means that the more lean muscle you have the more calories you burn…

If you want to get or stay lean you MUST make protein a priority. Here are 3 ways to do this every single day:

Step 1. Set a protein GOAL

To keep things very simple you should be aiming for just under 1 gram of protein per pound of desired bodyweight. So, for example if you currently weigh 150 pounds but your goal weight is 130 pounds — you should be aiming to hit about 120 grams of protein per day.

When deciding where to use your calories in a day make sure you always prioritize protein these means every single meal should include a high-quality lean protein — pick your protein first then look at your remaining calories for fat and carbohydrates.

Step 2. Two Shakes a Day

One of the best ways to prioritize protein is to get in the habit of drinking two protein shakes a day. One scoop of high-quality protein powder has around 25grams of protein that feeds lean muscle!

Step 3. Cook with it

Now if you follow step one you know that every meal should have protein as the priority… but there is one thing you may not have thought of.

Make your desserts protein rich! A good nutrition program plans for sweets and this is no different!

Don’t forget that a challenging and consistent exercise plan is half of the equation when it comes to losing weight, getting fit and feeling great! That’s where I come in…

I would love to be your fitness coach. Together we will get you to your goals with my results-driven method.

Simply call or email me today to set up your first workout.

Yours In Health,


#appliedfitness #buffalopersonaltraining #fatlossbuffalo

About The Author: Brian Meisenburg is an Applied Fitness trainer who helps clients lose weight. Learn more at

Brian Meisenburg
Brian Meisenburg

Written by Brian Meisenburg

Brian Meisenburg is a Buffalo Personal Trainer who helps clients lose weight and reclaim their health and wellness. Learn more at

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