Are you ready for the next level?

Brian Meisenburg


You are at the starting line of a brand new decade. The air is charged with possibility. Opportunity is all around you…

This decade will inevitably pass quickly. In a flash, it will be gone, and you will be 10 years older than you are today. Other than 10 more trips around the sun, what do you want to claim at the end of this decade?

It’s time for you to stick your neck out and to go to the next level. You know exactly what that means, you’ve thought about it. You feel the uncomfortable pinch of your status quo. You ready for the next level.

Follow these 4 steps right up to the next level…

#1 Paint the Picture. First, figure out what the next level looks like.

What is the ONE THING that you are the most uncomfortable with in your life right now? What MUST improve? If you achieved WHAT then 2020 would be a success?

It popped up in your mind just a moment ago, and you brushed it aside. Not THAT dream, that’s too unrealistic. Right? That’s TOO BIG to achieve.

Now you’re on to something. This idea that’s floating around in your mind, that’s the one. You know it’s the one, that’s why you’re so afraid of it. Instead of brushing it aside, go with it.

Dedicate a full hour focusing on what the next level looks like for you. Make sure that you are free of distractions so that you give this brainstorm your full attention. Get very detailed. Imagine that you are a painter creating the image of your next level in your mind. The more details that you can put on the canvas, the better.

Don’t hold yourself back during this step. No dream is too big. Go with your thoughts.

#2 Draw up Plans. Second, figure out how you’ll get there.

You may question how on earth you’re going to achieve the big audacious goals that you mentally painted in step one. That’s normal. The cool thing is that you hold the answer to the HOW just as you held the answer to the WHAT. You simply need to find it.

Pull out a pen and a notepad and start writing.

List out the big obvious steps first. If your goal is to write a book, then the first obvious step is to determine the topic of your book. If your goal is to quit your job and start your own business, then the first obvious step is to determine the type of business that you’ll own. If your goal is to lose weight and look amazing in a bathing suit, then the first obvious step is to determine the diet and exercise plan that you’ll do.

Write up a plan for yourself using all of the knowledge that you currently have access to. Considering adding people in as resources to help you determine the steps that you aren’t yet clear on.

If you know someone who has written a book, or started a business, or lost the weight and kept it off, then set up a time to speak with them. Which leads us to step #3…

#3 Make it Real. Third, expose yourself to it.

Spending time with someone who has gotten to the next level where you aim to go is a way of making your goal seem real. They were once where you are today and now they are where you want to be. It doesn’t get more real than that.

If your next level contains a physical place then start spending time there.

As much as you expose yourself to people and places at the next level, spend even more time making it real in your mind. Your mind is a powerful place and what you feed it can affect you in a powerful way.

Flood your imagination with thoughts of life at a new level. Picture your daily routine, imagine what you look like, feel the satisfaction of the accomplishment.

The more real the picture in your mind become, the more likely you will achieve it. And the less likely you are to give up…

#4 Don’t Give Up. Fourth and finally, don’t let up until you’ve arrived.

This is the simplest step of all, and yet it is the step where most people fail.

Keep working towards your goal until it is achieved. Just keep working. Even when it’s hard. Even when it’s frustrating. Even when you hit a roadblock. And then another roadblock.

Here’s a secret that the next level doesn’t want you to know…the only way for you to lose is if you GIVE UP. If you refuse to give up then you’ll keep gaining on that next level, one inch at a time.

Here’s to making this an EPIC DECADE in your journey!



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